The CC 50 Explorer is fundamentally a similar bicycle however a two-seater which falls in Germany into the "Mokick" class, to be driven by more than 16-year-olds and requiring a genuine driving permit with hypothetical and down to earth lessons and tests. They can likewise be driven on an auto driving permit, still right up 'til today. These are by law lessened to 40 km/h (later 50, today 45... insane laws there!) top speed. The Zundapp one had four-speed with foot gears, 2.9 drive and 40 km/h, albeit a large portion of them surpass 50 km/h. The foreign made ones from Enfield (Explorer, yet in Germany likewise marked "Zundapp-Madras CS 50") had a motor indistinguishable to the Zundapp C50 Sport, i.e. THREE foot-gears, 2.9 pull and were permitted to go 50 km/h.
The KS 50 was "The King Of 50cc" in Germany. Zundapp dependably was speediest in this class which was totally annulled in 1980: Unrestrcited 50cc. To be driven by more than 16-year-olds too, requiring a more perplexing (and costly!) driving permit, and NOT to be driven with an auto driving permit. Protection costs for these were galactic because of the way that youths normally get included in or cause mishaps all the more frequently. This class had no different confinements than "max 50cc dislodging" and because of an assention among all makers were "formally" constrained to 6.25 pull, in spite of the fact that in later days the Zundapp's has near 7.5 strength and some remote makers like Puch accompanied 8.5 stallion powers (i claimed one such, a rocket!) Hercules (these days known as "Sachs") even proceeded with restricted generation of "open 50cc's" until 1983, and their last one, the "K50 Ultra RS-WC" had near 10 torque, it accompanied twin front plate and full fairing! This class frequently surpassed rates of 100 km/h, one of my two KS 50 did near 120 with a (fare) barrel that made 8.5 strength. Zundapp, right up 'til the present time, holds various speed and perseverance world records with their 50cc motors/bicycles.
Very beautiful bike